Welcome Riverside Alumni


PRESIDENT: Ruth Harding Hawthorne ('51) rhawthorne1@roadrunner.com

PRESIDENT: Patricia Clark Jurek ('51) paka3180@aol.com

: Shirley Fedo Kern ('57) shirleyk29@msn.com

: Ruth Harding Hawthorne ('51) mailto: rhawthorne1@roadrunner.com

RECORDING SECRETARY: Arlene Rutan Labaj ('62)

Harriett (Huddy) Davis Migliore ('46) (716) 835-7882

Patricia Clark Jurek ('51) Paka3180@aol.com

TECHNICAL SUPPORT: AnnMarie Kenney Maliszczak ('72) annabeljm@gmail.com

Mission Statement

The Riverside High School Alumni Association's mission is to continue to provide support and to encourage higher education through scholarships. We strive to retain and reflect the fondness and memories of our years at Riverside High School along with the history of our Alma Mater. Our association will continue to establish partnerships with Riverside High School and contributing members of the Riverside Community.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

2013-2014 Meeting Schedule

                                CALENDAR YEAR FOR RHSAA – YEAR 2013-2014    
                            Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1PM

             St. Mark’s Church /All Saint’s Episcopal Church 311 Ontario St. Buffalo NY

   SEPTEMBER 17, 2013            GENERAL MEETING - Inst. of Officers
   OCTOBER 15, 2013                GENERAL MEETING
   NOVEMBER 19, 2013            GENERAL MEETING – Lighthouse in mail
   DECEMBER 17, 2013             GENERAL MEETING
   JANUARY 21, 2014                      NO MEETING
   FEBRUARY 18, 2014                    NO MEETING
   MARCH 18, 2014                   GENERAL MEETING - Election of Officers
   APRIL 15, 2014                       GENERAL MEETING
   MAY 20, 2014                         GENERAL MEETING – Lighthouse in mail
   JUNE 17, 2014                        GENERAL MEETING - GRADUATION
   JULY 15, 2014                            RHS REUNION PICNIC
    AUGUST 19, 2014                        NO MEETING

2014 Meeting Schedule